Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sims 3 University Life!

Hello! All I have to say is... it is about freakin time! They waited until near the end of the Sims 3 lifecycle to release this one and ya just know that was on purpose. University for the Sims 2 was probably the most favorited and popular expansion. It's release is set for March 5th which really isn't far away, but that kind of bites because I feel like March is the month everything is coming out... I'm pretty sure that this day will fall on a Tuesday without looking at a calender because games and movies are always released on Tuesdays for whatever reason. What is with that, huh? Anyways check out the trailer below!

Well if you don't already know in recent months I have become a bit of a Sims 3 whore, although right now I'm kind of on hiatus from the game, probably since about mid December. I don't know why, but my Sims love always come in spurts. One day I'll be playing the game nonstop for about a month, but then for whatever reason I'll get bored with it or busy and then I won't touch it for another 3 months. But I always do a  full circle and come back to it again, especially when new content comes out. Before my most recent break, I was playing it pretty hardcore and well in the midst of it all expansions came out. First Supernatural came out and I got so into the game that I ended up buying every other expansion I didn't already have, (no stuff packs). I even bought showtime which only really had a few items that had me intrested. Then Seasons came out as well and I already knew I wanted that one. All of my expansions below!

On top of all of this I made a really stupid mistake on the Sims 3 store, occasionly I like to buy like $10.00 worth of Sims point so I can buy stuff like the latest hairstyles and junk. Well I had my credit card information saved on the site and instead of purchasing $10.00 worth of Sims points I ended up somehow accidently clicking on th $120.00 one... Yea I know right... how did I manage that... Well I didn't know I did it at first. The one I wanted to click on was at the bottom and the expensive one at the top, and when I was scrolling down I think my pc did one of those things where I scrolled so fast that it bounced back up to the top. At checkout I just clicked so darn fast and it was to late when I realized what had happened. I don't even know why they have such a package like that on the stupid Sims store! Who needs to spend that much money on downloadables for a freakin game!!!! Apparently people who are dumb enough to accidently click on it like me! I of course contacted EA customer service and told them of my mistake, but for whatever reason they could not take the points away and refund my money and trust me I argued with the person, they were about to drop my call. So after a lot of whining, bitching, complaining about EA and the money grubbers they are... so on and so forth, ya know... Amber and I spent couple hours going through all the Sims store content using my points up on content for my game. I did get some cool stuff, was it worth all that money? FUCK NO

Soooo I will still purchase Sims 3 University Life even though I really hate EA, lets just say I have gotten them back in numerous ways unbeknowest to them, MUWHHAAAHAAA! It sucks that they make some really cool fun games when they are such a greedy sell out company. Oh well... that's life what can ya do? I know what I can do, I can rant about it on the internet! Yep, I feel better now!

My Deviantart    - Update Up!
Ms.KtK's Journal - Update coming soon!
The Hank Notes - To be edited!
Thanks All!

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