Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 New Devil May Cry XBOX

Jay recently bought the new Devil May Cry game because he had it reserved at GameStop. I guess it is a prequil to the other Devil May Cry games featuring a young and different looking Dante. Noiw I have never played or really even seen another Devil May Cry game before so I'm by no means biased and this game has definitally gotten a lot of mixed reviews. I didn't play it, I watched Jay play through the whole game on the hardest diffculty available upon purchase though.

In the beginning of the game Dante comes across as a young arrogant man slut, quite honestly. Though they modeled him to be 'sexy' I guess I couldn't help, but dislike him in the opening sequence because.... well pretty jerks arn't really my type. Jay seem to enjoy his personality, but i think he was more in love with his style then anuthing, the coat and the way he fights with his guns and weapons. The game is a very entertaining to watch and I imagine it is fun to play because Jay seem to enjoy- although he tends to enjoy hack/slash games-which to me seems close to Devil May Cry's genre. The storyline play out like a movie the cutscnes the the graphic and style of the game were all very beautiful. As the story played out Dante to me prooves he less of an ass more of a good guy deep down really, but not without his arrogance. From reviews I read this seems to be a lot of people's issues with this game. They miss the Dante they grew to love in the other Devil May Cry games, someone like me who doesn't know that Dante can't understand how upset this makes some fans. But as Iv'e played other game franchises that I'm a fan of where characters have changed and morphed causing me to feel similar feelings I could definiatally see their argument. It is frustrating when game creaters feel they must change some certain fundemental in an effort to strive to make something that will appeal to a certain audiance. Some things should be just left alone, but the creators want to stay fresh because they think that is what will sell.

In defense of the new Devil May Cry game, this is after all a prequil to the games those fans have come to love so is it possible that Dante has yet to grow into the man he is in those other games? Younger Dante just doesn't have the maturity that he usually has yet? By the end of the game(without spoling anything) it could be argued that he is changed by the events that take place and the reveals he finds out about himself and his past. He seems a bit lost and I could imagine him certainly going through a metamorphis based on what he now has to deal with inwardly and outwardly.

Devil May Cry didn't seem like a very long game and some of the boss battles and areas were creative and fun, like fighting inside a virtual news brodcast or inside what seem to be a stero, and of course limbo. I asked Jay if the other Devil May Cry games had so many odd enviornments and he told me it wasn't like that so again I don't know if that is something fans would care for, but I thought they were aesthetically cool. I also enjoyed a rather intresting cutscene where Vergil was telling Dante a story about their past and they story he tells is kind of playing out on the graffitti around the area they are walking in.The concept art for the game was also brillant amd the images that come up when Dante is remembering things from his past-loved that! Those are all just the artist in me  I guess. 

Overall it seems like a good game to me- like at 8 out of 10- I'm not the best judge, but that is my opinion.  For the fans that dislike the changes in Dante hopefully they stick with  the game and beat it because then maybe they will see how he reacts during the ending and be a little more at ease about future Dante in Devil May Cry games.

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