Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blue Toad Saves the Day

So last night I stayed up until 2:30 a.m. engaging in some awesome Wii U action. Good idea right? Probably not considering I work today, but oh well... what can you do? We had a Princess to save from a giant turtle dragon monster and we weren't about to make her wait another moment! I cannot express enough my love for the Wii U, it is everything the Wii should have been plus 10 points! What...? I don't know, this isn't the intelligent blog, just the nerdy one, okay... so don't question my odd descriptions or weird analogy’s. So at this point you might be thinking this is just going to be another Wii U love post, well.... you'd be right!

I am as always a true Nintendo fan girl so maybe I find something especially fun about playing through a Mario game when compared to a non-Nintendo fan... A good example would be my boyfriend Jay. He has nothing against Nintendo, certainly not a hater, but he is an XBOX guy and he fails to quite understand how much I love games like Star Fox and Zelda. I mean sure he played Nintendo back in the day on the SNES, which is where it is at of course, but at the same time he hardly played anything on the N64. Any true Nintendo fan of our age was definitely playing the N64 and realizes what a golden age that was for the company we love, no denying that! I mean I myself jumped on the Playstaion wagon at some point too, in fact I found Chrono Cross, one of my favorite games of all time back then... but I also played through Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart, Kirby, OOT, Majora's Mask, Golden Eye, Mario Party and of course Super Smash Brothers. I mean these games made my childhood and made me a gamer, so I guess Nintendo holds a special place in my heart.

All the Nintendo love aside I had huge doubts about the Wii U as many people out there do. I wanted to believe in Nintendo as I always do, but their games don't suck me in as they use too. Part of it is me being older not making time for them as much, but the other part is Nintendo and the rarity of any of their real quality titles. The last game I really had interest on the Wii was Kirby: Epic Yarn and I never even finished it... (I will though!). Anyways I guess to me it seemed like Nintendo became more about a gimmick then actually having good games... XBOX has done well because of all the great games there are, and it has a huge library and PS3 has pretty much all of the same games with a bit more on the RPG side.

 Doubts aside I was still seeing green when Aaron went and bought himself the Wii U... I didn't even want to play it because I was bummed I couldn't afford one. I told myself you were very doubtful of it anyways, you don't have the money to buy this on  launch, if you really want it you'll get it when a good Zelda game comes out anyways, it's probably not that good. Then out of nowhere Jay bought me one for Christmas because he is totally awesome and sweet like that, and I was pumped! Now I've had it for just over a month and last night Jay, myself, Jess and her buddy Z came over and we rocked Super Mario Wii U!

Jay and I had managed to get pretty far with just the two of us, him playing as Mario and myself on the tablet. Well once Jess and Z joined in Jay immediately switched to Blue Toad, because for whatever reason he loves Blue Toad. We stared playing and didn't stop until we got all the way to Peach's Castle and punched the Koopa King right in his evil face! So many levels, power ups, coins, star coins, mushroom houses, nabbits, goombas and Pepper corns/P shrums later and it was 2am! We unlocked a secret rainbow area and much more for beating the game. In the end cutscene of the game Peach gave Blue Toad a kiss maybe because Jay got the highest score and of course this is after listening to him chant all-night about how Blue Toad always saves the day and is the gretest. (Now I'm leaving for no raison!) I guess Blue Toad lived up to Jay's word. We also posted some sweet post on the Mii Verse as we played, so if anyone has a Wii U you should look for our post and also friend me! My name is MsKtK!

We didn't want to stop playing in the end because there was still work to do, but alas we had to so I could go to sleep! In short the Wii U is an amazingly fun system and the new Super Mario Bros is a must if you have one! I've already made some great memories with my friends on it and I know there will be many more to come! I'll keep you updated on anymore awesome Wii U games out there that I get. For now I just have Nintendo Land, Mario and Scribblnauts. All great games, I think they may be the top 3 for the Wii U actuallty. Nintendo Land to me is more fun in a group or with at least two people, Scribblenauts could go either way, but it is more single player I believe and Mario is great for single player or many players!

My Deviantart    - Stuff to be added soon!
Ms.KtK's Journal - To be edited!
The Hank Notes - Update coming soon!
Thanks All
Ms. KtK

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