Monday, December 3, 2012

Wii U!!!

My Wii U and all of its accessories!

Hello! I got a pretty awesome Christmas present this year from Jay. The best part is he totally blew me out of the water with it, I had no idea he was going to get this for me and I was so surprised he was able too. He got me the Wii U! I never expected anything like that, I would have been happy with anything he got me; in fact I told him he was crazy! I am very happy about it though; I did of course want the new Nintendo system, but I didn't plan on buying it for some time, like possibly years later. It probably would have depended on when the next Zelda game came out and how my financial situation was looking. Well don't matter now bitches! He really did go all out though he not only bought me that, but he got a wii mote, with wii motion plus built in, a classic controller, he got 2 screen protectors and stylist packs, he got me a case for the table, a wii mote and table charger set and TWO games! Nintendo Land and Super Mario Brother for Wii U!
The games that I have!
The day we got the Wii U was quite awesome; some friends invited us out for breakfast and so we told them to come by after we completed the updates and try it out with us. What a freakin blast we had playing Nintendo Land, I can't even describe... We found our favorite games to be the Animal Crossing Sweet Treats, which is now being referred to as 'the candy game' and now has many quotes attached to it such as, "Ooo piece of candy, ooo piece of candy!" "Com'ere little elephant! (Pronounced like LOTR)" "Ya should have pooped harder!" Don't ask okay, if you have played this game you might understand what I'm talking about. We also really enjoyed the Luigi's Mansion game which we call 'the ghost game'. My friend Jimmy took to this one right away as the ghost, that game is freakin INTENSE! These were the ones we played nonstop the first day along with the Zelda, Pikmin, Metroid games. The panoramic below is actually from that day, if you didn't notice we all our wearing hats in it. It has become an official household rule that you can only play Wii U if you are wearing a hat. Why? Because hats are fun! On the left you have Jay wearing a pink Santa hat, next to him is me wearing the Adventure Time Finn hat, then Jimmy wearing a spring Santa hat with the Lady Rainacorn plushy stuffed inside of it, then Grace wearing the pink Scribblenauts hat Jay and I got for free at our GameStop from Holly, then Jess wearing her sexy fedora, Aaron was the one who took this using my phone and he is wearing the other pink Scribblenauts hat.
Wii U and hats!

Since this day I have also gotten the pink and blue wii motes as well as Scribblenauts Unlimited (freakin fun ass game!) We also really enjoy playing the Mario Chase game, the F-Zero racing game too. Jay and I have made steady progress in Super Mario Bros, I need to pull him away from Black ops again so could play it some more. Played a lot on Plinko in Nintendo Land, have gotten stars in the candy game, ghost game, Mario game, ninja game and the Yoshi cart game; and we got all of the stamps for my Mii in the candy game! So we're on a role. A lot of people have their doubts about the Wii U, I did, but now that I have one I can safely say it rocks! If you are a doubtful Nintendo Fan give it a shot, I don't think you will be sorry. Plus we know a Pikmin 3 is coming as well as Monster Hunter. Can't wait to see some Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros and most of all Zelda!
From my Scribblenauts Game! Trying to make my sister pretty view since she is stuck there turning to stone! :)
Thanks All!