Monday, February 18, 2013

Game of Thrones Season II Box Set

Warning: Possible Spoilers for Season I Game of Thrones!
All these pictures were just found off of google image search.
Have you watched this show yet? Well if you hadn't you really should, but be warned that once you start it, you need to make sure you have several hours avaialable or perhaps your whole day... Wait scratch that, the whole weekend, because once you start it will be hard to stop until you get through the last episode of the season. Actually if you have HBO it is quite possible Game of Thrones is one of the reasons why (or Tru Blood?) or the sole reason you have it, and if that is the case I feel bad for you having to wait every week for a single episode. There is something very fulfilling about waiting to start the season so that you will be able to just watch every episode in one jam packed evening! It allows you to forget about this perplexing show and all of it's cliffhangers and questions during all those cold lonely months of no Game of Thrones. BUT THEN! One day you manage to get your hands on the full season Boxset, you hold it up Link style over your head! You take a breath look at the time, 10:00a.m.on a Sunday- perfect! And then you begin your Game of Thrones Season II marathon and you arn't left questioning every cliffhanger week by week. Instead you get to the end, and are given a years worth of time to let it seep out of your skull so that it may only return once the next season (or a rewatch session) is released- and then ya do it over again!
See I actually watched Season II back in January, and I meant to write a blog post about it back then, but... well I don't know- that didn't happen. Now is as good a time as any though really, because Season II comes out on DVD tomorrow! I believe season III is starting up on HBO again too, but like most people I don't have HBO. Once you finish watching the season you will immediatally regrett not paying extra every month just so you can watch Game of Thrones, but if you let some time slide by you can let the shows glory fade and go back to living your life without armor, dragons, white walkers and such until you can meet again.

Season II was as intense as Season I and perhaps more so. Characters continue to suprise you, some notalble ones without spoiling anything, The Hound, Arya, Jon Snow(of course) and my personal favorite Tyrion. Some that won't suprise you- Joffrey. He is still a little bitch and your hate for this character will just continue to escalate. All of the Starks are resilant and amazing each in their own respect which is really a huge nod to Ned Stark in my opinon. It says something for the man he was and how he raised his family, he has become the Mufasa of this story (big shoes or- paws to fill). There are also a lot of new characters the so the family trees continue to grow and get more confusing-yay! And of course I can't not mention there are three very adorable yet dangerous little dragons who although you won't see much of, when you do they will make quite the impact. 

Over all season II is just as addicting as season I and perhaps more complaicated with more twist and turns, more characters and their stories, more background, new relationships. Mom and I stayed up until at least 2 a.m. watching it when I had to work the next morning and she had worked a 14 hours day before hand so- if that doesn't say something I'm not sure what else can.

The Season II Box Set of Game of Thrones will be releases tomorrow Tuesday Febuary 18th!